2022. 3. 22. 13:50, CTF/MISC + Coding
import struct
import math
import signal
import os
def MathHash(m):
hashval = 0
for i in range(len(m)-7):
c = struct.unpack('<Q', m[i:i+8])[0]
t = math.tan(c * math.pi / (1<<64))
hashval ^= struct.unpack('<Q', struct.pack('<d', t))[0]
return hashval
if __name__ == '__main__':
FLAG = os.getenv('FLAG', 'zer0pts<sample_flag>').encode()
assert FLAG.startswith(b'zer0pts')
while True:
key = bytes.fromhex(input("Key: "))
assert len(FLAG) >= len(key)
flag = FLAG
for i, c in enumerate(key):
flag = flag[:i] + bytes([(flag[i] + key[i]) % 0x100]) + flag[i+1:]
h = MathHash(flag)
print("Hash: " + hex(h))
MathHash function is quite complicated and hard to manipulate. However we know that first 8 bytes for flag is "zer0pts{".
Let's see how to extract $flag[8]$.
Once you set key bytes are all zero except $key[1] = 0xFF$, only $m[0:8], m[1:9]$ are effected. Moreover, since we already know $flag[0:8]$, $H(m[0:8])$ can be calculated locally.
Therefore $H(flag) \oplus H(flag \oplus key) = H(flag[0:8]) \oplus H(flag[0:8] \oplus 0x00FF000000000000) H(flag[1:9]) \oplus H(flag[1:9] \oplus 0xFF00000000000000)$.
You can bruteforce $flag[9]$ $0x20 to 0x7f$ to satisfy above equation. The logic for recover $flag[10]$, $flag[11]$, ... are same as above.
When I implement an actual exploit code, I bruteforced each two bytes.
from pwn import *
from tqdm import tqdm
import struct
import math
import random
from itertools import product
def MathHash(m):
hashval = 0
for i in range(len(m)-7):
c = struct.unpack('<Q', m[i:i+8])[0]
t = math.tan(c * math.pi / (1<<64))
hashval ^= struct.unpack('<Q', struct.pack('<d', t))[0]
return hashval
r = remote('misc.ctf.zer0pts.com', 10001)
def interactive(x):
r.recvuntil(b': ')
r.recvuntil(b': ')
return int(r.readline()[2:], 16)
flag = bytearray(b'zer0pts{s1')
flag += bytearray(25 - len(flag))
h_original = interactive('00')
brute = list(product(range(0x20,0x7f),range(0x20,0x7f)))
for i in range(10,24,1):
cand = brute[:]
while True:
next_cand = []
delta1 = random.randint(0,255)
delta2 = random.randint(0,255)
query = '0'*(2*(i-7)) + hex(delta1)[2:].zfill(2) + hex(delta2)[2:].zfill(2)
target = interactive(query) ^ h_original
for v1, v2 in cand:
m1 = flag[:i] + bytearray([v1,v2])
h1 = MathHash(m1)
m2 = m1[:]
m2[i-7] = (m2[i-7] + delta1) % 0x100
m2[i-6] = (m2[i-6] + delta2) % 0x100
# print(m1.hex(),m2)
# exit()
h2 = MathHash(m2)
if h1 ^ h2 == target:
cand = next_cand
cand1 = []
for v1,v2 in cand:
if v1 not in cand1:
if len(cand1) == 1:
flag[i] = cand[0][0]
#flag[i+1] = cand[0][1]
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